18 Sep Puppet and the Healing of the Soul
Would you like to take part in a puppet theatre workshop that promotes mental health and balance? No prior knowledge necessary and the workshop is free. The workshop will be held in English.
Culture Break Borders, an organization which mainly creates international cultural cooperation projects is delighted to present a workshop related to a number of aspects of puppet theatre art.
During three days, 22-24 September, we will be visited by the Greek Visual Puppet Theatre “Prasin Aloga”. This theater was established in 1997 by Emmanouela Kapokaki, a graduate of the Charleville-Mezières Puppet School in France, and has created a long series of award-winning performances. “Prasin Aloga” contributes to society empowering the individual with skills while promoting well-being through the Theatrical Puppet.
Now you can get to know some of the theatre’s artists and, together with them, learn:
- How to create a Puppet out of paper that has great expressive capabilities
- How to give life to your Puppet and handle it for performance, and
- Prepare and perform internally in the group a small imaginative improvisation with your Puppet
The creation and giving life to a Puppet helps express and understand your soul.
Let the theatrical puppet be your magical companion that excites the heart, concentrates the mind, and can kindle your theatrical spark. Discover your creative power, self-discipline and confidence, as individuals and as a group.
The Norwegian composer and guitarist Frode Barth will take part in the workshop and contribute musical moods to the activities.
Friday 22 September at 16:30-19:00
Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 September at 12:00-14:30
Amaldhus activity house
Majorstuveien 8
0353 Oslo
It can be up to approx. 25 participants.
Registration for those interested:
Send an email to Culture Break Borders by Frode Barth
Everyone is welcome, including professionals who work with mental health, music and art therapists.
We look forward. This is guaranteed to be both fun and informative.
Dukketeater og helse
Kunne du tenke deg å være med på et dukketeater-workshop som fremmer mental helse og balanse? Ingen forkunnskaper nødvendig og workshopen er gratis. Workshopen vil foregå på engelsk.
Culture Break Borders, en organisasjon som hovedsakelig utvikler internasjonale kunst og kulturprosjekter, har gleden av å presentere en workshop knyttet til en rekke aspekter ved dukketeaterkunst.
I løpet av tre dager, 22.-24. september, får vi besøk av det greske visuelle dukketeateret “Prasin Aloga”. Dette teatret ble etablert i 1997 av Emmanouela Kapokaki, utdannet ved Charleville-Mezières Puppet School i Frankrike. Teatret har laget en lang rekke prisvinnende forestillinger.
Nå kan du bli kjent med noen av teatrets kunstnere og sammen med dem lære følgende:
- Hvordan lage en dukke av papir som har et stort uttrykkspotensiale
- Hvordan gi liv til dukken din og få hjelp til å forberede en performance
- Hjelp til å fremføre en egen liten improvisasjon sammen med dukken din
Å skape og gi liv til en dukke kan hjelpe deg med å uttrykke og forstå sjelen din.
La teaterdukken være din magiske følgesvenn som begeistrer hjertet, konsentrerer sinnet og tenner din teatralske gnist. Oppdag din kreative kraft, selvdisiplin og selvtillit, bade alene og som gruppe.
Den norske komponisten og gitaristen Frode Barth vil være med på workshopen og bidra med musikalske stemninger til aktivitetene.
Fredag 22. september kl 16:30-19:00
Lørdag 23. og søndag 24. september kl 12:00-14:30
Amaldhus aktivitetshus
Majorstuveien 8
0353 Oslo
Det kan være opptil ca. 25 deltakere.
Send en epost til Culture Break Borders v/Frode Barth
Alle er velkomne, også fagfolk som jobber med psykisk helse, musikk- og kunstterapeuter.
Vi gleder oss. Dette blir garantert både morsomt og lærerikt.
The bilateral initiative “Puppetry and the Healing of the Soul” is being implemented under the Active citizens fund in Greece by Visual Puppet Theatre “Prasin Aloga” and its partner Culture without Borders.
The Active citizens fund in Greece is supported through a €15 m grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as part of the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021. The programme aims to develop the sustainability and capacity of the civil society sector in Greece, and to strengthen its role in promoting and safeguarding democratic procedures, active citizenship and human rights. The Fund Operator for the Active citizens fund in Greece is Bodossaki Foundation in consortium with SolidarityNow.
More information: www.activecitizensfund.gr/en/
About the EEA Grants:
Τhe EEA Grants are jointly financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The EEA Grants are available to the 13 EU member countries that joined the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA) in 2004, 2007 and 2013 as well as Greece and Portugal. The decision-making body of the EEA Grants is the Financial Mechanism Committee, which is composed of representatives of the Foreign Ministries of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
More information: www.eeagrants.org & www.eeagrants.gr
About Bodossaki:
The Bodossaki Foundation is one of the most respected privately-owned public benefit organizations in Greece. The Foundation is the culminating point of its founder’s brilliant course in life and remains the carrying vessel of the values and ideas that he faithfully served throughout his eventful life. The Foundation was established in 1972 by Prodromos – Bodossakis Athanassiades who decided to donate his entire fortune to support health care, equal opportunities, quality in education, scientific progress and environmental protection. The Foundation has a deep knowledge of social needs in Greece and has administered so far more than €450m supporting its causes. The Bodossaki Foundation also supports NGOs working with socially vulnerable groups and has lately set the strengthening of civil society as one of its primary objectives. Since 2013 it administers the regranting facilities of the EEA Grants for civil society in Greece.
More information: www.bodossaki.gr/en/
About SolidarityNow:
SolidarityNow (SN) is a non-governmental organization established in 2013 to respond to the needs, and advocate for the rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, indiscriminately. SN’s Headquarters are in Athens, with large operations in Thessaloniki and activities across the country. The organization’s vision is to improve people’s lives and to empower them to create a just and inclusive society. SN’s actions fall under three main strategic priorities: a) Promoting safety and protection; b) Catalyzing livelihoods opportunities; c) Strengthening the independence of civil society and defending open society values. SN has supported 320,000 people to date, both through direct project implementation and through regranting programmes. Through its regranting initiatives, SN has supported 73 different programs and provided a total funding of € 14.4M to support Greek civil society organizations.
More information: www.solidaritynow.org/en
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